Best Buddies Living New Resident Application

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Best Buddies Living New Resident Application

The Best Buddies Living program represents one of our organization’s five key mission pillars, Inclusive Living. This program fosters an integrated experience for people with and without IDD to become active, contributing citizens who live independently in a dynamic environment where they can learn, grow, and thrive.

Please complete this form to apply to join a Best Buddies Living residence.

Residence Details

Chapter Metadata (hidden)

Your Contact Information

Your Current Address

Page 2

Your Demographic Information


Support and Accommodations

Page 3

Guardianship Status

Please indicate your guardianship status below. If you have a court-appointed guardian, ensure that all contact information is filled in below and that the guardian reviews and cosigns all documents.

Guardian Contact Information

Primary Parent Contact Information

Additional Parent Contact Information

Additional Family Contacts

Please provide the names and contact information for any other family that could be contacted regarding the applicant's participation (optional).

Relationship With Family

Emergency Contact

Please let us know who to contact in case of emergency.

Emergency Contact for Salesforce (hidden)

Applicant Personal References

Please provide contact information for three non-family members who can serve as a reference for you.

Reference #1

Reference #2

Reference #3

Page 4

Applicant Interests and Expectations

Applicant Background Information

Please answer the following questions about your personal history.

Supporting Documents

Upload files as directed by Best Buddies staff (optional). Relevant supporting documents include, but are not limited to, headshot/photo, psychosocial evaluation, and vaccination records.

Member Agreement and Consent

A parent/guardian consent link will be sent to the following e-mail address:

Parent/Guardian Consent

As the parent/guardian of this applicant, please provide consent for your child to participate in the Best Buddies Living program below.

Parent Statement

Please provide any of the following information regarding your child to ensure that we are able to place them in the best living situation.